Zonta International’s Vision
Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.
In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men.
In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
The Zonta Club of Devonport was chartered in February 1996.
The Objects of Zonta International
• to provide service at the global and local level
• to improve the legal, political, economic, health, educational and professional status of women
• to work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill and peace through a world of fellowship of executives in business and the professions
• to promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedom
• to be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, to implement service programs and to provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their community, their nations and the universe.
To attend monthly meetings which are held on the first Thursday of each month at 5.30 pm, at the Gateway Motor Inn, Fenton Street, Devonport. The meetings combine business and dinner at a cost of $35. Members are assigned to a Committee which meets prior to the general business, which is dealt with during dinner. The Committees give Members the opportunity to develop their interests in Women's Affairs and to be actually involved in organising the Club's fellowship events, writing submissions seeking grants, and organising fundraising events.
The Zonta Club of Devonport currently has 26 Members who are dedicated to the ideals of Zonta.
We meet monthly to discuss the varied projects we participate in during the year.
We support a number of international awards for education and community service including the 'Amelia Earhart Fellowships' and the 'Jane M Klausman Women in Business Awards' that provide financial assistance to help 'kick' start women's scientific, business and public policy careers and acknowledge the quiet achievers in the community.
The annual Zonta Women’s Achievement Award is presented to a student at Devonport TasTAFE. The recipient of
this award each year has been an inspiring student who has demonstrated diligence and commitment in one of their Diploma
The Club has also increased its visibility in the local High Schools by presenting $50 end of year prizes to a female student from each school in the area. The prizes are awarded to a student who ‘has made a significant contribution to their school and community’.
The Club also supports a wide range of local people and activities with monetary donations.
Birthing Kits
The Devonport Zonta Club prepares 1000 birthing kits to be distributed in third world countries. They are designed to be handed out by trained birth attendants and a proportion of the funds paid by Zonta Clubs is now used for training of these birthing attendants. There have been well over two million birthing kits produced to date. These kits are distributed in over 30 countries.
The birthing kit addresses the 7 cleans needed for a safe delivery.
The kits are basic with 6 items. A plastic sheet, soap, 2 gloves, sterile scalpel blade, 3 cords and 5 gauze squares.
These items are packaged into a small bag at an Assembly Day.
Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast
Since 1999 the Devonport Zonta Club has organised the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast. From small numbers initially the morning is now sold out, with over 140 people attending to support our fundraising efforts and to share information and fellowship whilst supporting each other through this event.
International Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women 25th November
We continue to support the local Women’s Shelter and are actively involved in organising or supporting events around International Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women.
to Gender Equality and Climate Action
The mission of Zonta Says NOW is to create a gender-equal sustainable world by educating girls, advocating for women’s rights, and inspiring more female leaders. Activities are guided by Zonta International’s Statement on Climate Change.
The Zonta Says NOW website will start you on your climate journey and inspire you to take an active role in standing up for women and girls in this decisive decade.
Visit www.zontasaysnow.org.au
The Zonta International Convention is being held in Brisbane from 27 June - 30 June 2024
Congratulations to St Brendan Shaw College on the charter of their new Z Club on 15 June 2022
The Zonta International Club of Devonport, along with, Soroptimist International of Devonport, Mersey Inner Wheel and the Devonport Community House, conduct an annual event for International Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women (25 November)
The Zonta Club of Devonport was chartered on 1 February 1996. We celebrated
25 years of service to the local and international community in 2021.
Zonta Area 5 was inducted to the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women in 2021
The 8th November 2019 marked the 100th Anniversary of Zonta International
If you have any questions about membership or the projects we are involved in, please email us at zontadevonport@gmail.com
Privacy Statement taken from Zonta International District 23 Manual:
Zonta International does not provide a member’s personal information to any third party (non Zontian) unless it is required of the law.
In these circumstances those persons or organizations to whom we must disclose are bound by confidentiality obligations to Zonta International District 23
P.O. Box 1033
Tel: (03) 6424 7942